Fall intentions

How I’m making the most out of 2023!

In honor of the official start of fall next week (whether it feels like it outside or not), I thought I would set some intentions for the last quarter of 2023.  This year has been a whirlwind and I’m hoping to stay present and grounded during a time of year that can be busy and sometimes stressful with the pressure of the holidays.  I love seeing how other people set goals or intentions, so I thought I’d share mine to give anyone inspiration on how to make the best out of the final months of the year!  Note: I prefer to use the word intention instead of goal, because an intention is just that – something I intend to do.  If I don’t hit it, priorities change, or life gets in the way, I don’t feel like I “failed” by not accomplishing a goal I set. 

Fall intentions:  

  • Limit social media time – 30 minutes/day.  I don’t know about anyone else, but lately I’ve been falling into the trap of doom scrolling at night and switching between my Instagram and TikTok feeds.  I’m intending to stick to my 30-minute time limit/day for social media and implement screen free Saturdays or Sundays – picking one day a weekend to stay off my phone completely. 

  • Refresh sheets and linens.   With our move back to San Diego, I am really going to be intentional about starting “fresh” and buying non-toxic everyday essentials.  Although moving is not fun by any means, I secretly love moving because it forces me to purge and assess if I really need something I’m holding on to. Since we needed new sheets and towels after having ours for years, I’m opting for organic/non-toxic linens in our new home. 

  • Stop screen time by 830pm, bed by 9pm.  Most nights I’ll be on my computer writing my Lagree routines or blog posts, have my phone next to me, and the TV on in the background, and I notice a difference in how long it takes me to fall asleep if I’m exposed to the blue light of these electronic devices later than 8/830pm. 

  • Connect with at least 1 friend and family member each week – in person, text, voice note or phone call. 

  • Schedule regular acupuncture sessions.

  • Start practicing guitar again.  One of my 2022 intentions was to learn guitar, and for a while I was on a roll with weekly lessons.  I’ve since fallen off my lessons and playing completely and would like to start carving out time again to practice the guitar.  Highly recommend learning a new instrument as an adult – there is something so meditative about playing music and not being able to think about anything else.

  • Read one fiction and 1 non-fiction book per month.  Hoping that by limiting my social media scrolling at night, I’ll be able to prioritize reading before bed.

  • Listen to 2 informative podcasts a week. 

  • Post one new blog post per week.  I’ve really come to enjoy writing blog posts as an outlet and creative hobby, so I’d like to stay more consistent with this and post a new blog every Friday.  Help keep me accountable on this one! :)

  • Batch write my Lagree routines– If I sit down at the beginning of the week and write my routines at once rather than waiting until the night before, I’m able to create a better sequence and be more purposeful with movements I’m incorporating.    

  • Cook one new recipe a week and eat at home more frequently.  With the end of summer busyness and moving this week, I’ll admit, I was eating out and getting takeout more than I’d like.  I love cooking at home (even if it’s just for myself!) and putting on a jazzy dinner music playlist, sipping an Olipop or sparkling water, and making a ritual out of an ordinary task.  I am also very excited to start getting my produce again at the farmer’s markets in San Diego, so hoping to get more inspired on this one with the move.

  • Plan a true vacation (not travel related to holidays, weddings, birthdays, etc). 

  • Schedule a Naturopath appointment.

Anyone have any intentions they are practicing for the remainder of the year?  Let me know what habits are currently serving you, or if you are inspired to try one of these intentions above! Cheers to making the most out of 2023, xoxo!


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7 Easy Steps to Reduce Inflammation