September favs

What I’m listening to, adding to cart, and loving this month!

What I’m listening to:

The Skinny Confidential - How to stop making yourself sick and start thriving in your personal environment – I LOVE Branch Basics cleaning products since they are non-toxic.  This interview is for you if you want to learn about taking your health into your own hands by swapping out common household cleaners and products for natural solutions.  I love the founder’s story about healing herself naturally from PCOS, and I also think there should be more awareness around how toxic traditional feminine products are. 

The Skinny Confidential - Fatal Conveniences – Another eye-opening conversation from TSC.  This interview with Darin Olien dives deep into how convenience in today’s world can be fatal.  For example, if you go to the grocery store and think you are getting a healthy soup from the hot bar, the plastic container you are putting that soup into is getting heated causing microplastics to seep into your food…. something to ponder!

The Balanced Blonde Soul on Fire: Secrets to Longevity with 102-Year-Old Doctor Gladys McGarey – I love this conversation for a lot of reasons, but mostly because it is so inspiring to hear the wisdom this 102-year-old doctor has regarding longevity, which might surprise you!

The Mel Robbins Podcast: If You Only Listen to One Podcast Today, Make it this One – The title of this one caught my attention, and it’s a good listen if you are feeling stuck in any area of life and want to make your goals or dreams a priority.  Mel provides a “tough love” attitude toward excuses and waiting for the “perfect time” to go after your desires. 

 What I’m adding to cart

Phoenix favs

In honor of living in Phoenix for the last almost 6 months, I wanted to share a few of my Phoenix favs with you all!

Now you know…

  • My mind was recently blown when my friend Lauren showed me how to mark texts as ‘unread’.  Just swipe right on the text message, click the blue dot, and it will mark the text as unread!  TY Lauren!!

  • For anyone else on #HealthTok, I learned that if you ever chop onions, do not save the other half in a Ziploc bag.  Onions absorb everything once sliced, so if they are in a Ziploc bag, they will absorb the plastic, and when you go to cook with that onion, the plastic will be seeping into your food.  Next time you save an onion, put it in a glass Tupperware container instead of reaching for the Ziploc bag.

Thanks for joining me on another month of favs! If you have any recs for podcasts, books, or products, I’m always looking for inspo. :)


Why I started eating meat again


Fall intentions