Your game plan to start the new year strong.

2024 has officially entered the group chat.

I love New Years for the chance of a “fresh start.”  Christmas decorations are put away, the busyness of the holidays have passed, and it seems like there is a renewed sense of energy to revisit or start new healthy habits.  Who doesn’t want to start the New Year feeling their best?!

Here’s how I plan on spending my January to optimize 2024:

Dry January

I have really loved incorporating sober months throughout 2023, and January is the perfect time to reset after the holidays.  If you want to join me on this challenge, comment “Dry January” below and I’ll add you to my accountability group with weekly tips and fun mocktail recipes I’ll be sending throughout the month. 

Unsubscribe from unwanted emails

Every day that you log into your personal email accounts, try unsubscribing from a list you might be on that you no longer need.  Cleaning up your inbox is a game changer; especially if you are like me and get overwhelmed by a huge inbox.  Maybe you are trying to save money this year, and those extra emails from your favorite stores are too tempting to read.

Make your doctor appointments for the year

I find that my doctors book out a few months in advance, so by scheduling your annual physical, dentists, and specialty appointments in January, you won’t have to worry about fitting them in later in the year as your schedule gets busy. 

Start spring cleaning early

You might be making room in your closet for those new sweaters Santa brought you.  Try to donate or get rid of items you no longer need or wear.  I love following the “one in, one out” rule: meaning if I get a new shirt, I need to donate an old shirt.  I find that a cluttered home = a cluttered mind.

Create a vision board

Did you know that holistic health includes everything from physical activity, nutrition, career, spirituality, and home environment?  Write out your goals for each area of your life, make a Pinterest board, or create a digital vision board in Canva and save it as your computer desktop background so you constantly see it.

Stick to your routines

I don’t know about you, but when I have structure to my days and know what habits and goals I want to accomplish, I feel so much more motivated to stick to my routine.  If you haven’t downloaded my e-book, 7 Days to Upgrade Your Health, sign up below and use that to plan out your weeks and stay on track with your goals.

Please reach out if you have any questions or feel like you need more accountability in your health and wellness goals. 

What is one thing you are focusing on this year to improve your health?!


In a pinch? Here’s your last minute wellness gift guide.


November favs