Top investments I made in my health in 2023

Health = wealth

I believe that health is our greatest currency.  After struggling with autoimmunity, I've had to take my health into my own hands and over the years I've added different tools to my wellness toolbox.  This past year there were a few stand out investments that really moved the needle for my mental and physical well-being. 

I always want to be a resource for anyone looking to improve their health, so I’m sharing that list with you below.  While these work for me, I’ve included some alternative options in case you wanted to dip your toes into something new without swiping your credit card.

Regular Acupuncture

About a year ago, I was having trouble sleeping and experiencing flares with my autoimmune condition. That's when I was introduced to Dr. Ashley with The Acupuncture Nest. Being on a regular schedule with Dr. Ashley has not only helped me keep my autoimmune flares to a minimum, but I feel like I’ve also been able to stay ahead of any imbalances or changes with seasonal colds and flus that go around since I receive regular treatment.  I see Dr. Ashley for maintenance treatments every 2-3 weeks which is a good rhythm for me.  If you are curious what acupuncture is or want more information on how it can benefit your health, I wrote a blog post about it HERE. :)

Alternative:  Find community acupuncture near you which provides the same benefit as traditional acupuncture at a lower cost since it’s in a community setting.

Regular Therapy

2023 was the year of growing and healing!  I had previously been to therapy on an off over the years, but never felt like I found a therapist I meshed with.  At the start of 2023, I made it my quest to finally find a therapist and commit to going regularly.  When I found Christa at Clear Mind Counseling I immediately started to see a shift in my mindset. I was able to take an objective approach to challenges and take a mental weight off my shoulders.  I find it so freeing to be able to talk to someone about life and the challenges that we all go through as humans, and I’m so grateful I had the support of a therapist during a year with lots of changes. 

Alternative: I also love chatting with my friends or family members for advice or to bounce ideas off of when I’m not talking to my therapist.

Parsley Health Membership

I’m so happy I finally pulled the trigger and invested in a Parsley Health membership!  After being diagnosed with Sjogrens Syndrome and experiencing horrible autoimmune symptoms years ago, I knew I needed to have support from a functional medicine doctor.  Parsley Health specializes in “root cause” medicine, meaning they are going to take a deeper look at your labs and health history to find out why you are experiencing symptoms.  Each patient receives a dedicated doctor and health coach included with the price of membership, and some states (NY and CA) even take insurance!

Alternative: Schedule your annual physical with your primary care doctor and get a baseline on your labs (insurance should cover your annual checkups).

Receive $150 off your first year of care using this link!

Organic Sheets

I bought these organic percale sheets when we moved back to San Diego this year and could not be happier with the quality and softness.  They’ve withstood multiple washes, and a dog that loves to “dig” into the sheets to get comfy, ha!  I sleep with peace of mind knowing that I’m not inhaling chemicals from any dyes while sleep.  After all, we spend about one third of our life sleeping.

Alternative: Check out these organic sheets on Amazon.  They have great reviews and aren’t as pricey.  If you go the alternative route, let me know what you think of them!

Branch Basic Nontoxic Cleaning Products

For better or worse, once you learn how harmful traditional cleaning products can be for your health, it feels like you’ve opened Pandora’s Box and you can no longer look at hand sanitizer or Clorox wipes the same way.  Branch Basics made it SO easy to switch out our household cleaning products to natural, non-toxic products that get the job done without harmful vapors and odors. 

Alternative: combine a 1:1 ratio of vinegar and water for a natural, non-toxic cleaning solution.

Receive $10 off your first Branch Basics order using this link!


After seeing ads for this greens powder supplement everywhere, I had to try to see what the hype was about.  TBH the taste wasn’t my favorite at first, but it did end up growing on me!  Now I really enjoy the flavor and look forward to this “treat” first thing in the morning before I have coffee.  I love that with just one scoop I receive my full day’s worth of vitamins and minerals, which has reduced the number of supplements I’m taking.  While this is on the pricier side, I know I’m getting the best quality ingredients and I’ve found that since I’m not buying as many supplements, it offsets the cost. 

Alternative: add Pink Himalayan Salt to a glass of warm water with lemon first thing in the morning before coffee to flush toxins and aid in digestion.

Receive 5 free travel packs + 1 year supply of Vitamin D using this link!

I'm so grateful to have made these investments in my health, and I hope this list inspires you to start a new healthy habit.  With that in mind, everyone should be their own health advocate and do what works best for them. 

If you have any questions or need support during your health journey, I’m always here for you; send me a message or DM.  <3


Disclosure: every product I mention is something I have personally vetted, purchased, or been gifted.  I will always provide my honest opinion.  If you make a purchase via the affiliate links, I may receive a small commission at no cost to you.


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