Sober curious summer

How I’m feeling after taking a break from alcohol the last 31 days.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a glass of vino or craft cocktail, but for me after I hit age 30, even just one glass of wine makes me feel “blah” the next day and my sleep score takes a plummet (thank you, Oura ring, for keeping me honest).

TFW you wake up without a hangover.

Around this time last year, I started to wonder if I could kick my weekend habit of having a couple glasses of wine with dinner.  I didn’t consider myself a heavy drinker and have cut way back since my early 20’s, but intuitively, I felt like my body was craving a break.  So, I marked my calendar and said goodbye to booze for 31 days.  Spoiler alert – my body and mind felt amazing, and I’ve loved incorporating “dry months” a few times a year to give my body a reset ever since. 

I’m not going to lie; the first weekend is typically the hardest for me anytime I stop drinking.  After a long week I look forward to the ritual of unwinding at date night with a glass of wine.  Once I get past the initial 7 days, the momentum starts to build and I notice the more time that passes between drinks, the less I crave it.  I also found that picking a month where I know I don’t have a vacation, wedding, or tons of social events makes it a lot easier.   And it’s fun to switch up the normal routine and swap dinner and happy hours for breakfast and coffee dates!

Since I just completed my most recent month without alcohol, I wanted to share how I’m feeling and the benefits I continuously see when I take breaks from drinking:

·        Improved sleep and waking up feeling rested.

·        Less anxiety!  No booze = no hanxiety.

·        Feeling clearer and more present.

·        Better skin and whiter eyes.

·        Improved muscle definition and less bloating.

·        Enjoying more dessert since I’m not “drinking” my dessert.   

My relationship with alcohol has changed a lot since my first 30-day break, and I consider myself an intentional drinker these days.  For those that are taking a break or experimenting with sober curiosity, I’d love to know what your tips are and what benefits you’ve experienced.  Sharing this with anyone who’s feeling the urge to experiment with a new healthy habit, or who wants to join me on my next 30 day break.  <3



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